Monday, June 7

Review ~*~ Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery

Mass Market Paperback: 376 pages
Publisher: HQN Books; Original edition (April 27, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0373774524
ISBN-13: 978-0373774524

I will start off saying that I love Susan Mallery ! She is a kind hearted soul that loves her fans and I think that makes me enjoy her books so much more.

Her latest novel is the first in a new series set in Fool's Gold, California. A town not know for its abundance of men. The heroine in this novel is Charity Jones. She is looking to settle down in a small town and create a root system of friends and family. Something she never had growing up. She meets and falls for Josh Golden. However, along the way, they have many obstacles to overcome.

I really loved the character of Josh Golden. He was seen as the typical "bad boy" but really underneath the "Golden" persona was a great guy who really cared about people. He also wanted to settle down even if he didn't know it. His lifestyle as a world class cyclist left him wanting a low-key lifestyle. Josh, also, reminded me a lot of Lance Armstrong who I have had a huge crush on for years. His character may have been based on a typical bad guy but nothing about Josh was typical. He had a lot of things to work through. He was someone who you instantly liked because of the way he took the time to get to know people and take care of those he loved.

I enjoyed their love story because it was one that every girl would want to happen to them. We all hope to fall in love with someone like Josh. Someone who is not only super hot but has a lot of other qualities that will make a great husband. Charity, was also someone who is very likable. She is someone who doesn't try to be nice but just is. She hasn't had the easiest life at all and it is nice to see a female character that has had a rough upbringing make something of herself. She is something that has changed her life around.

Chasing Perfect is a novel of people finding love when they least expect it. Their love heals a lot of wounds that have been open and raw for a long time. Together they will be able to heal and become whole. It is a novel of great surprises as well. It was great to read a book about great friendships and how small towns can make a newcomer very welcome. The twist and turns were well thought out.

This novel is one you should read if you like sweet romances between two lost souls. Any Mallery fan will love this novel and will be counting down till the next novel in the series comes out. It was a great first novel in a series. It was neat to meet all the secondary characters that we will read about their love stories in future books. The development of the secondary characters was well thought out. I would love to have friends like Pia, Jo and Crystal. Pia's character cracked me up. We all have a friend like Pia who loves to organize parties. Not all make a career out of it like she does but like Charity, Pia has a heart of gold. Mallery's second novel in the series comes out June 29th, 2010.

Mallery has made a website for Fool's Gold that is a great way to promote the novels as well as interact with her fans. As a Mallery fan you should check the website out at Fools Gold

I will give the novel a 5 out of babies because it was a great start to a series that left me wanting to read the next novels ASAP. I could not put the novel down once I started it and left my house a bit messy while I zipped through the novel.

1 comment:

Susan Mallery said...

Aubrey, What a lovely review! Thank you. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed Chasing Perfect. And you're right - I do love my fans!