Sunday, April 11

Jennifer Weiner~book club review~ Good in Bed

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Washington Square Press (April 2, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743418174
ISBN-13: 978-0743418171

I belong to a parenting forum called mom2mom. We have a book club that I belong too and the latest book was Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. At first it took me awhile to get into the book. It wasn't that I disliked the book or anything. I think it was just getting used to reading a non-paranormal novel.

I really liked the main character Cannie. She reminded me a lot of myself. The apparent dislike for her body and feeling larger than everyone else is exactly how I feel. Her quirky family reminds me of mine. My mother isn't gay or my parents weren't divorced nor are we Jewish but we are a close family who care for each other.

This book is centered around Cannie Shapiro who is a writer who was on a break from her boyfriend Bruce when she reads an article that Bruce wrote about her in a magazine called Moxie. Bruce, wrote an article about loving a larger woman. Cannie is devastasted and can't believe he would do something like this to her. The book goes on to explain their relationship and where it went wrong. Without giving too much away the secondary characters were just as quirky as her. Peter, her Doctor, from the Diet study; Sam, her best friend; Maxi, actress friend; her mother and her partner Tanya and Bruce, the evil Satan ex.

I hated Bruce for what she put her through during her pregnancy. I could relate because I know how hard it is to be alone during a pregnancy. True, we both had family and friends around us but it is not the same as a partner. The pregnancy was how she truly found herself. She realized that it doesn't matter what weight you are, what clothes you wear or who you know but rather who you are as a person.

I would definitely recommend this book to others who like this genre of light-hearted coming of age books. Yes, it is not the typical coming of age novels where the main character grows up during grade school or high school but it is a book of learning to love yourself and becoming who you are in your 20's. As someone who is in her last year of her 20's I know that who I am now is drastically different than who I was when I was 20. I've change so much and really came into my own. It is not a book I would normally read lately since I've been on a parnormal romance/urban fantasy kick but I'm glad I did. I laughed in parts and cried in parts. I give this book 4 out of 5 . I look forward to reading the sequel to this book Certain Girls.

1 comment:

Amanda Leigh said...

Sounds like a good read. It is always a bit hard for me to switch to read something that isn't paranormal, since that's almost all I read anymore, but it is nice to have a break once in a while. It's nice to hear that there's a coming of age story for those of us out of high school. Us 20-somethings do go through a lot as well. LOL.