Wednesday, April 14

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly Meme started by Breaking the Spine It is a feature that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating

I'm quite excited for May to come. Not because it will be closer to summer and closer to the end of early mornings for school but because Cindy Gerard 's newest novel in the Black Ops Inc series is out.

Risk No Secrets is the 5th book in Cindy Gerard's Black Ops Inc. series. I read the first 4 in a week. I loved the books and will definitely be rereading them again. The men are all strong, silent and broken till they find their strong, independent and sassy dream girl. The hero in this book is Wyatt "Papa Bear" Savage. I've been yearning for his story since the first book.

Counting down the days to its release. Waiting anxiously! I need my uber alpha male fix. I do not read a lot of romantic suspense but her novels have piqued my interest in the genre the same way Linda Lael Miller did for Romantic Westerns.

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